Sep 17th, 2018

Happy Birthday United States Air Force

Posted in Aviation News

The United States Air Force celebrates its 71st birthday on September 18, 2018.  Last year was Big Number 70, which was accompanied by much fanfare.  So how was the United States Air Force “born”? (

It all began in 1907 when the United States Army began to realize the potential of the Wright Brother’s new invention, the airplane.  The Army Signal Corps created an Aeronautical Division.  From 1914 to 1918 it became known as the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps even as the airplane further proved its value during the bloody stalemate of War World I.

Two Leaders Emerge

A couple of Army Officers emerged as leaders of what eventually became known as the Army Air Corps in the inter-war period.  Carl “Tooey” Spaatz made a name for himself with the first aerial refueling in an airplane dubbed, The Question Mark” in 1929.  Spaatz went on to command the Strategic Air Forces in Europe during World War II.

Henry “Hap” Arnold (right) learned to fly under two instructors, Orville and Wilbur Wright.   Arnold graduated with the reputation as a prankster in his West Point class in 1907.  However, his military and leadership prowess became evident in the Army Air Corps.  He commanded all Army Air Forces during World War II.

Although the Army Air Corps officially became known as the Army Air Service from 1941 to 1947, many still referred to it as the Army Air Corps.  It symbol, worn as a military device on the uniform was the Prop and Wings.  A symbol know worn by recognized cadets at the US Air Force Academy.

The Birth of a Service

Immediately following World War II, Congress and the Administration began to consider a major reorganization of the US War Department.  The result was the National Security Act of 1947.  Major changes included renaming the War Department, the Department of Defense (or DOD).  The Joint Chiefs of Staff were created, with a ranking general from the four services (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force) and a ranking general over the other four.  The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was also created.

However, for the purposes of this blog, the most important piece of the legislation was the creation of a separate air arm of the military, to be known as the Air Force.  It came into existence on September 18, 1947.  General Hap Arnold (left) was designated by Congress as the first Air Force General (  Carl “Tooey” Spaatz (right) was appointed as the first Air Force Chief of Staff (

Seventy year have come and gone.  Several milestones have been achieved by the Air Force.  Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier, a nuclear deterrent was established by Air Force bombers, primarily the B-52, and the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM).  The United States Air Force Academy was established.  The Air Force has begun to oversee space operations.

However it all began in September of 1947…Happy Birthday US Air Force.  #AirForceBirthday

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